How I learned the 3 Key Steps in Natural Healing

Let’s start by saying, there is a time and place for Western Medicine – I wouldn’t be here on this planet without it.  I had a rough start being brought onto this planet from being pulled out with the largest forceps the nurses have ever seen to having brain surgery at 6 months old because my skull bones were fusing too fast.  Yes, this girl has metal plates and wires in her brain.  Talk about being a robot…I’m literally wired differently.  I’m Aquarius and not going to lie…I like being different!

All I can tap into from my birth is the chaos but when I flash forward to the surgery – while it was an intense surgery in the 1980s, I sense a calmness.  I survived when most other patients didn’t always make it or had lots of side effects.  I’ve tried looking up the surgery and they don’t use the metal plates in the brain anymore due to complications. To say the angels were on my side was an understatement.  They were all over that operating room.  Handing instruments to the surgeon.  Helping the anesthesiologist with the right dosages.  They were in every crack, crevice and corner of that room.  How the actual people moved around…I don’t know.

So yes, Western Medicine is lifesaving emergency care.  It can be amazing preventative care and more.  BUT without understanding how we are affecting our bodies on a daily basis and that we don’t need to see a doctor for everything, might have changed my world at an earlier age.  I am grateful for all the experiences I had because it really showed me what I am passionate about and how to heal from those intense experiences.

I’ve had a few instances in my life that I really knew I should be able to heal myself.  But….I took the long way and kept going to the doctors and taking the next level of antibiotics…until the side effects were so strong that I hurt my ankle and it took 6 months to heal.  I was in my 20s, there is no way it should have taken that long…oh wait..I know why --- I was avoiding my problems.  I was running from the emotions of my childhood…and I was just hoping for a quick fix.

I also had a quarter life crisis around 25/26 that let me to being diagnosed with PTSD from my childhood.  Around the same time I was going to the doctors for this recurring sinus infection. When I got to that high level antibiotic that I learned might mess with my tendons for 6 months after taking it….I said no way.  There has to be a better way.  The doctors didn’t want to hear me and they kept telling me I would have an infection in my brain. But my body was telling me to not take it.  I was getting really triggered to point I didn’t like.  SO I went home and looked up natural cures for sinus infections.  Thank goodness the internet really sped things up, I don’t know that I would have had the patience to sit in library and figure it out. HAHAHA.

I also committed to myself that if I got worse, I would go back to the doctors.  But it was time to try this a new way.  At that time I was getting sinus infections at least every year and more often than not, 2x a year.  So off I went on a natural healing journey – (and as I write this – I am seeing the connection to the parents of the first guy I dated after moving to Atlanta who really opened my eyes to different ways of healing…that’s for another blog!) 

I started with sinus rinses, essential oils, humidifiers and it was every few hours.  I researched the sinus cavitity and learned I really needed to get the swelling down to get the gunk out.  Okay that didn’t seem too hard in theory.  And it took a bit of consistency, but after I felt better I went to the doc to see if it all cleared up (to ease my mind about that brain infection – because I really didn’t want to deal with anything messing with those plates and wires in my brain!) All clear.  But what surprised me was that in the months and years to come, sinus infections and colds never affected me the way they previously did.  I didn’t get sinus infections after that, colds and stuffy noses were easy to remedy with the little things at home and some home made chicken noodle soup. 

As a kid I had my fair share of strep throat occurrences.  Even as an adult I would tend to get them.  I thought it was travel but it was way more than that (I’ll share with you the emotional cause in just a min) I ended up getting strep throat a few times the year I ended up moving to vegas.  Two days after I arrived back from HongKong, I realized something was starting to happen in my throat again – so off to urgent care I went on a Saturday.  Strep throat – okay no big deal, I’ll just take the antibiotics and be on my way.  Well after driving to Nashville that night I kept getting worse. Okay – It’s just the first day I thought.  It will be better tomorrow, the antibiotics will kick in. 

Well the next day came and we needed to drive from Nashville to Ohio to get my dog…And I needed to fly to New York on Tuesday for a client.  I push myself again not listening to slowing down…but make it to Ohio and my mom notices I am still not doing well.  I am starting to freak out because it is Sunday night and I am having trouble swallowing and am losing my voice.  So I make a decision to go to another urgent care in the morning.  I find out that the level of antibiotics was not a strong enough dose – so I got a bigger dose and head on my way.  I cancelled my client meetings and focused on healing – I was to drive from Ohio to Vegas with my mom and dog on Wednesday or Thursday at the latest.

Wednesday comes around – and I am still not better – my spirits were even lower than before and I didn’t see how any of this medication was helping me.  I got that nudge to look up natural ways to help with strep.  So I started gargling with some apple cider vinegar.  And within hours I was lively, eating dinner and ready for an adventure across the country with my mom in the morning.  And to be honest, if my mom didn’t watch it happen before her eyes, she would have thought the antibiotics just kicked in.  But there was a world of change when I had the mindset to move through it with that apple cider vinegar.

Third time is the charm right…well as a women we get our monthly moon once a month, but all of a sudden I was spotting for a week in between my cycles.  It was driving me CRAZY.  So I go to the doctor and do all the tests to make sure everything is okay.  Everything is normal – so the next thing she tells me is to start taking birth control again.  I really didn’t want this.  And after going to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription – my body started to shake.  I knew there had to be another way.  So off to the natural food store I went and talked to the associate.  I ended up taking a very particular maca supplement that isolated the phenotypes of maca specifically for where women are at in their life.  I figured I didn’t have anything to lose and if this didn’t work I would take the prescription.  Well the box said results in 2-3 months….and guess what less than 30 days I was a whole new woman. 

So not everything I do is the natural way, but I now try that way first.  THEN I learned more about how emotions and past lives are stored in our bodies.  In the cells, tissues and bones of the body.  (If you told me this at 25…there would be NO WAY I would have believed you)  While I could reflect on so many more times I was sick – we will focus on the 3 we discussed here…

  • Sinus Infections are typically because a person is suppressing irritation and can be triggering old childhood trauma (NO WAY…interesting this all happened when I was diagnosed with PTSD around my childhood!) Also I was afraid to speak up for what I wanted and needed, suppressing more emotions that had me feeling more isolated and lonely. I was also afraid of really enjoying life so I would push people away….well that seemed true for multiple times I had sinus infections.

  • Strep Throat – Holding onto anger for not being able to express or defend myself. Feeling punished for being myself.  Very interesting that when I tried to hold some boundaries of not flying to Atlanta a day early for a client meeting I caved because the sales guy really wanted me there and I ended up with strep and couldn’t make that meeting or the one the following week.  Strep is a sign of suppressing truth to where it causes emotional and physical pain.  I remember all I wanted was one more day to recover from Hong Kong and to have the weekend to get to ohio.  I was trying to please everyone else except for myself.

  • Menstrual Problems – now this one is a bit more complex…as there can be some other reasons for hormones being off – which can relate to malnutrition.  But for this it was a great deal of pressure to live up to certain expectations that I felt were placed on me at that time.  Plus adding to the fact I was not eating enough healthy fats my hormones were not operating correctly, which was a sign of rebelling against things I could not control – which at that time was pretty much because I was not speaking up!

As I started to learn more about energy healing, I realized how much these are all interrelated.  I started to wonder if we just worked on the emotions would we be able to not have the physical pains?  While this is true, sometimes we need the body to show us what is not working in our lives, where the problems are existing so they can be cleared.  It gives us a better way to understand the true problem.  For example, if we just looked at menstrual problems for me, it wouldn’t have given us the full picture but by digging into deeper causes and related issues we are able to go to the root of an issue and clear it from there. 

So that is what I love about the energy healing part, the physical symptoms are just the tip of the iceberg we can see and below that are the emotions we buried.  When we expose that to the light and integrate the emotions and transmute the emotions in most cases the main issues disappear or are significantly reduced. 


Steps in Natural Healing (that I went through as well)

  1. Emotional Causes – Clearing the emotions through somatics, breathwork, energy healing, crying and even just learning what the emotional cause of physical ailments are will start to bring awareness to shift it in the body.

  2. Environment/Lifestyle – Oh boy I really wish I knew this younger.  I started eating organic before the big craze of organic took place.  Realizing what I was putting into my body was really affecting me and the more I cleaned up my diet – the less sick I got.  The more I worked out the more I boosted my immune system.  The more sun I got the better I felt.  Plus the thoughts we think will keep us down or bring us out of those low vibrations.

  3. Energy Frequency – This one is truly the most fascinating to me.  Everything is energy even those first two steps.  But there is so much that can be shifted with energy frequency, from the emotions, to the physical parts of the body to past lives and other spiritual causes of pain and distress.  This is what I love to do with my clients

By really focusing on one of the areas there is massive change and when incorporating all elements - well it changes the trajectory of life quickly! This is what we do in my sessions and healing mentorship programs. Because we are ready to take our wellbeing into our own hands, and we don’t always do this alone.

This is honestly the most rewarding work I have done on myself and with others. I love empowering others to their own innate wisdom that shifts their frequency with little but massive changes.

Ready to change the course of your life, get to the root of an physical, mental or emotional issue? I’ve got your back! Send a DM today and let’s start shifting your frequency!


Pre Mercury Retrograde and Increased Energy!


Integrating Light & Dark - The Magic!